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[100% Grown in Japan] Koshihikari Rice from Niigata, Japanese Premium Short Grain Milled White Rice まほら 新潟こしひかり - 5 KG / 11 Pound


About this item 

  • The vast plain of Niigata Prefecture is famous as one of the best rice. The rice in the Echigo region, which has benefited from rivers such as the Shinano River and is nurtured by fertile soil and abundant water, is a gem of sticky, shiny and delicious rice. Please enjoy the rice nurtured by the passion of the producers of Niigata Prefecture, which continues to pursue deliciousness and high quality. 
  • Mahora refers to the best places and mountains. We will deliver a selection of gems carefully grown in a rich natural and nourishing production area. 
  • Koshihikari from Niigata Prefecture is characterized by its strong stickiness and sweetness, as well as its aroma and luster after cooking. 
  • Rice that has a strong taste and tastes rice. Therefore, it is perfect for deep-tasting dishes 
  • 100% Japan Rice - 5KG / 11 Pound Sack

Koshihikari Rice from Niigata, Japanese Premium Short Grain Milled White Rice

  • まほら 新潟こしひかり 一粒一粒丹念に選りすぐった卓絶の米 屈指の米どころとして名高い、広大な新潟県平野。 信濃川などの河川の恩恵を受け、肥沃な土壌と豊富な水に育まれた越後地域のお米は、粘りよし、ツヤよし、旨みよしの逸品米です。 美味しさと高い品質を追求し続ける、新潟県の生産者たちの情熱が育んだ自慢のお米を、どうぞお召し上がり下さい。 ≪まほら(真秀)とは≫ まほらとは、最も優れた場所や山を言います。 自然豊かな滋養溢れる産地で丹念に育てられた、選りすぐりの逸品をお届け致します。 

    瞧瞧 新泻越光 一粒一粒精心挑选的卓食大米。 作为屈指可数的大米而闻名,广阔的新泻县平原。 受益于信浓川等河流,在肥沃的土壤和丰富的水中孕育的越后地区的大米,是粘稠、有光泽、美味的绝品大米。 请品尝持续追求美味和高品质,由新泻县生产者们的热情孕育的引以为豪的大米。 ≪真秀是什么≫ 马霍拉指的是最优秀的场所和山。 为您送上在充满自然丰富的滋养产地精心培育的精选精品。


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