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[Product of Japan, Yamagata Prefecture] Okitama Haenuki Rice, Short-Grain White Rice, Special A Rating National Rice Taste Ranking 山形縣生拔米 はえぬき - 11 Pound / 5KG


  • Haenuki, a Koshihikari-based and sticky rice with good taste, is an original variety that Yamagata is proud of throughout the country.
  • The record of winning the special A rating for 16 consecutive years in the national rice taste ranking up to the rice produced in 2009 is proof of its deliciousness.
  • In particular, Okitama rice has a reputation for being delicious even when it is cooled, as the rice grains are cooked firmly and increased.
  • Product of Japan, 11 Pound / 5 KG
  • Please enjoy the chewy texture and sweetness of the dish. The original taste of rice that spreads in your mouth does not change even when it gets cold, and it is also recommended for rice balls and bento boxes.

Yamagata Prefecture] Okitama Haenuki Rice

  • コシヒカリ系で粘りのある良食味米「はえぬき」は、山形が全国に誇るオリジナル品種。21年産米まで全国米食味ランキング16年連続特A評価獲得という記録がそのおいしさの証。特におきたま米は、米粒がしっかりして炊き増えし、冷めてもおいしいと評判です。 The Okitama basin is located at the southernmost tip of Yamagata prefecture. With high quality mineral-rich water flowing from the mountains, fertile soil, and temperature difference between day and night, it is the best environment for rice to be delicious. Because the rice grains are solid, Please enjoy the chewy texture and sweetness of the dish. The original taste of rice that spreads in your mouth does not change even when it gets cold, and it is also recommended for rice balls and bento boxes.

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